In the latest edition (Nov 28, 2011) of
Sports Illustrated there was an article titled "Sport in America,
In My Tribe" by Terry McDonell.
Here is the opening of a paragraph in the article I'd
love to share.
Its not about scores and stats, it's about the stories.
The players' skill and athleticism can be mind-blowing,
but without the back stories there is no connection.
The excitement comes from knowing enough about the
athletes to care who makes the last shot and who misses.
Would Jazz guard Derek Fisher's hitting a key three-
pointer in the 2007 playoffs have mattered as much if
you didn't know that he had just flown round-trip to New
York from Salt Lake City to see his ailing 10-month-old
daughter? This is why Sports Illustrated puts rooting interest (mostly)
aside. There are no home teams for us. We root for the
Its all about the stories, as far as I'm concerned.